Now That I'm Someone Else

LIfe and loves of the bubble bath queen

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Computer Dependent

I confess, I’m addicted to my computer. I don’t know how I lived without it. Right now my computer is down and I cannot believe all the ways that my life is connected to that computer and now, I’m at a loss.

All of my writing is on that computer, every word. I can’t access it, I can’t add to it, I can’t edit it, I can’t even look at it and bask in the words I’ve written and the worlds I’ve created. It might as well not exist. Shit.

Last night I went to a friend’s house that I had never been to before, she sent the address and a google map, to my email, which I can’t access. I had written the address in my day planner but without being able to map the directions, I was lost. Thank God for cell phones.

It’s the last week of the school year, I can check my daughters grades and missing assignments online, so she can take care of them before school is finished. Oh wait, I can’t access the internet.

Paying bills, forget about it. I do everything electronically. I don’t even get paper bills in the mail anymore, they come to my email ( which, again, I can’t access) and then I log into my bank account (denied) and pay them. Do you think the mortgage company will forgive a late payment because I couldn’t access my bank account?
Even my library account, how lazy have I become? I don’t go to the library like a normal person and wander around until I find some books that look promising, no, not me. What I do instead is when I hear about a book I want to read I log onto my library account find the book and put it on hold then the library’s little automated lady calls my cell phone and let’s me know the book is ready for me. I am actually reading the Twilight series because it’s the only thing in the house I haven’t read.

Not to mention my favorite blogs. Can’t read them, can’t see them, I get updates on my phone from my blog friends through Twitter, but it’s only 140 characters. Not very informative.

My blogs, can’t touch them. I write my blogs at work and email them to myself to copy and paste into my blog from home because this blog site is blocked from work. Can’t copy and paste, can’t even read the emails.

I have a blog that I write for *******, something that may actually pay me, guess what? Can’t log in, can’t access, can’t blog.

I may strangle myself with a USB cord if this isn’t rectified soon!

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