Now That I'm Someone Else

LIfe and loves of the bubble bath queen

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I love to garden

Have I mentioned how much I love to garden? I do, really, nothing makes me happier than playing in the dirt. I spend all winter looking for that first sign of spring, a bird, a bee, a little green poking through the brown, and I'm happy.

To me, Mother's Day is the first official day of spring. When I was married our ritual was go to the local garden shop and buy Mom whatever I wanted for Mother's day and then let me spend all day planting it.

I still think that is the best gift going. Last year I had just moved into my house and my best friend, Trina, and our husand, Clay, ( notice the OUR, it's very important), came over, even though their daughter in law was in labor with their first grandchild, and spent all day digging up the sod and planting a beautiful flower bed for me. I think of them everytime I look at those flowers.

This year I couldnt' wait, I started the veggie garden in March and have been steadily planting since them. The important thing to note is that my yard is one tenth of an acre and I've already spent Mo's college fund planting it!

Today my sister Terrie bought me four rose bushes for Mother's Day so I put in a new flower bed. As I stood back to look at this masterpiece I thought of all the roses I don't have and started looking around for more garden space. I have a veggie garden and now three flower beds, there must be more flowers!

First I need to figure out what is the absolute minimum yard space that two ten pound dogs need to do their business. Maybe I should just litter box train them and do away with the back yard completely.

Decisions, decisions, how long to dogs live anyway? They pee on the carpet quite a bit, maybe if I just put carpet in the little box that will speed up the process.

So little time and so many things to google.

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