A father's love
It's amazing how much Daddy's love their little girls, and the lengths they are willing to go for them. Not that they dont' love their sons but there is something special about Daddy's little girl. My friend Jared is the proud papa of three children, two girls and a boy. The latest girl is a wee little thing less than two weeks old.
His oldest daughter is seven, and the sweetest, tiniest little girl with the biggest smile. You can tell her Daddy thinks the sun and moon rise and set in her and she feels the same way about him.
Any seven year old who's parent's listen to country music knows who Taylor Swift is, especially if her name also happens to be Taylor. If you are not a country music fan, Taylor Swift is a blonde cutie, about 19, who got her start several years ago. Mo saw her about three years ago when you could get tickets to her concerts for ten bucks a piece. That is not the case now.
So, Miss Taylor Swift came to town. The concert soldout within about five minutes, thanks to scalpers, I know, I tried to get tickets for Mo.
My friends little girl wants to see Taylor Swift, really, really, really bad! Jared is heartbroken because he can't give his little girl what she wants. But wait!
A local radio station featured a fearles fathers for Taylor tickets. All these big, brawny men had to do was dress in drag, go to the radio station and sing a Taylor song. Piece of cake.
We had a field day dressing our friend up, doing his makeup, styling his wig, teaching him how to bop his hip like a girl while playing the guitar instead of tapping his foot like a guy. We even taught him how to walk and that cute little foot kick thing she does when she sings.
When he was ready we all loaded up our cars and created a caravan to the radio station for a team activity. We were going to the radio station to support our friend, well, all the women anyway, the guys wanted nothing to do with it. Although a few did ask him what he was doing later.
Once at the radio station I could not believe my eyes, there were twenty proud papa's, their daughters and assorted friends ready to cheer these men in drag on.
It was the funniest thing I've ever seen. One man was even wearing daisy dukes and a belly shirt, and just let me say, he hasn't spent much time at the gym in his life! But, he sang his heart out to a song he didn't know, just for his little girl.
Have you ever heard grown man try to sing a song that a young girl sings?Lots of cracking voices and straining for the high notes. Both the funniest and the sweetest thing I've ever seen.
The funniest part was all these little girls, staring at their drag queen daddy's, singing their hearts out. The looks on their faces, priceless, they weren't sure exactly how they felt, pride, embarrassment, or maybe they were just storing up information for future therapy sessions.
My friends two year old son was dumbstruck as only a two year old can be. He kept staring at his Daddy, touching his long blonde hair, trying to figure out what was going on.
Alas, Jared didn't win, but we all think he is the best dad in the world. And thanks to his wife's phototgraphy skills, this day will live on in the family's memory.
Labels: daddy's little girl, dressing in drag, singing, Taylor swift
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